Hey, Guys, I’m here today to tell you a little bit about eHarmony and give you a review of the site. Without a doubt, eHarmony is one of the most popular, best online dating sites that are out there. Now, is it for you? That is what I hope to help you find out today. If you’re already familiar with some other online dating sites like, “Plenty of Fish,” “Match.com,” or “OkCupid”, eHarmony is distinctively very different from those sites. To know more about eharmony free trial and review continue reading…
How to get access for eharmony free trial
As like everyone we have the same doubt why eharmony is different from all other dating sites. The answer is simple eharmony apply charges more than any other dating site and gives you quality matches without fake profiles.
eharmony allows you only a 3days eharmony free trial, where after the trial we need to pay $60 per month.
First, sign up for a free account and use it for two days because if it exceeds more than three days charges are applied. We have a refund of money within 3 days.
eHarmony Dating Site Review

In that, those sites, typically just let you search through matches. You can see what you like, message somebody, and then meet up for a date. Now, eHarmony is a lot more pragmatic about trying to find the right match for you than these sites. They have a very controlled process. They use a lot of science to try to find the right match for you. I’ll give you an idea of how it works. Now, the first thing is, when you first sign up for eHarmony, there’s a very long survey that you take. It’s fun to take the survey, but it takes a very long time. Make sure you give yourself some time; you have to put aside maybe 40 minutes to do the survey.
Then, right after that, you have to write your profile. So, it is a little bit mentally exhausting. Make sure you set aside some time if you’re going to be signing up. But, the personality profile they give you, by the time you’re done with this, is fascinating. They review on 29 different dimensions, and it comes with descriptions of what your personality is like. For example; mine is agreeableness, openness, emotional stability, conscientiousness, extra virgin.
And, when you read this personality profile, it’s actually a little bit creepy. It is so dead-on, it’s incredible. So, they use this personality profile to find matches for you. They will only send you matches that are compatible with you. They send them to you in batches, and then you look at their profiles and decide whether that person is a match for you or not. If they are not, then you just go ahead and say “Archive this match,” that keeps that person out of your queue. And then, they will send you somebody a little bit later, once they find somebody else who is compatible with you. They will only send you people who are compatible, you can’t search through matches. When you do start communicating with somebody, it is a controlled communication process.
For example, this match has sent me some questions. This is the first step of the communication process. So, I press respond to her questions, and here are some multiple-choice questions such as, “When in a relationship, how much personal space do you generally find you need?”. There’s a number of multiple-choice questions you can choose from to send to your matches. Now, it is a very controlled process. You send them multiple choice questions back and forth, you send your must-haves, can’t stand.
Then, you learn more about each other, and then you can actually start having open communication. This process can take quite a while; I’ve had it take for as long as three weeks. But, you can skip the process, just clicking on “skip to email”. Then, they have this whole disclaimer here about safety and communicating with people online. Then, you can start sending messages.
Now, some matches aren’t going to be cool with that, but you just have to go with that on a case-by-case basis. So, eHarmony has a lot of great features that can definitely help you find the right person for you. It’s just a matter if those features sound appealing to you. Now, it is one of the more expensive sites, they invest a ton of money in the science of love. Just to get one month is about $60. It is cheaper to have multiple month packages, of course.